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Side channel attack performance of correlation power analysis method in noise

2023, vol.15 , no.1, pp. 101-111

Article [2023-01-10]

F. Garipay
K. Uzgören
İ. Kaya

This article explores the use of artificial noise to defend against power analysis and power analysis-based side-channel attacks on AES encryption. The study covers both hardware and open-source software components for performing power analysis and provides an analysis of attack performance. It also explains how security measures against side-channel attacks can be implemented without disrupting system operation.


side-channel attack, software security, embedded security, correlation power analysis, artificial noise


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Citation of this article:

F. Garipay, K. Uzgören, İ. Kaya. Side channel attack performance of correlation power analysis method in noise. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.15 , no.1, 2023, pp. 101-111.