Evaluation of power dissipation and energy in a robotic system
2022, vol.14 , no.2, pp. 51-62
Article [2022-02-05]
Robots are widely used in many disciplines like manufacturing, military, and commercial. They are seen as a key to advancements in such fields. A robotic is being used to assure precision and reliability. Some bigger companies
like amazon use robotics to achieve stability and speed up their productions. In real-life, robots are mostly used in environments that contain uncertainties events. Additionally, interruptions occur there. Determining several performance quantities such as the execution time, throughput, power dissipation and energy under severe circumstances is crucial in the fields where robotics are used. This paper uses the developed framework earlier on a robotic manipulator to estimate average power dissipation, also known as power consumption, and average energy. Subsequently, a comparison analysis is conducted using several free tools such as Power Gadget, HWMonitor, Sidebar Diagnostics and Open Hardware Monitor. Those free tools are chosen since they are available with no extra hidden charges, and they are easy to download and use. The aim of that analysis is to find the differences between the average estimated value using mathematical equations and the actual ones from those tools. The analysis is performed on a machine running on a Windows-based system. The results that obtained indicate that the estimated/predicted values of the dissipated power and energy are close to the actual values. Likewise, the error between those figures varies between 6% to 11%. This variation happens because the used machine is affected by its specifications, especially the number of cores of its CPU and the clock frequency.
Robotics, energy, power dissipation, power gadget, open hard monitor
Ahmed A. Alsheikhy. Evaluation of power dissipation and energy in a robotic system. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.14 , no.2, 2022, pp. 51-62.